Lub ntsiab lus ntawm nqi zog yog dab tsi?
Lub ntsiab lus ntawm nqi zog yog dab tsi?

Video: Lub ntsiab lus ntawm nqi zog yog dab tsi?

Video: Lub ntsiab lus ntawm nqi zog yog dab tsi?
Video: Qhia txhais 50 zaj npau suav tias yog dab tsi part 3 15 Sep 2019 2024, Cuaj hlis

them nyiaj rov qab, khoom plig, khoom plig nyiaj, kev yeej, hnab nyiaj, khoom plig, koob meej, kho kom zoo nkauj, txiaj ntsig, txiaj ntsig, txiaj ntsig, nyiaj ntxiv, ntxiv rau, hwm. bounty, nqe. tam sim no, khoom plig, tip, gratuity, inducement, zaub ntug hauv paus, them nyiaj, txiav txim siab, rov qab, requital.

Tsis tas li ntawd, lub ntsiab lus ntawm nqi zog yog dab tsi?

1: Ib yam dab tsi uas tau muab rov qab rau qhov zoo lossis qhov tsis zoo lossis tau txais lossis uas tau muab lossis muab rau qee qhov kev pabcuam lossis kev pabcuam tub ceev xwm tau muab rau nqi zog rau nws ntes. 2: ib qho stimulus (xws li zaub mov) uas yog muab rau ib tug kab mob thiab pab txhawb ib tug xav tau teb.

Dab tsi yog lwm lo lus rau kev ua haujlwm hnyav? Synonyms and Near Synonyms of hardworking lub hauv caug-ntev, swamped. ua haujlwm, ua haujlwm, ua haujlwm, ua haujlwm, mob siab, ua haujlwm, hopping, industrious, laborious, occupied, sedulous, khi-up, ua haujlwm . absorbed, concentrating, engrossed, focused (kuj focussed), immersed, intent, preoccupied.

dab tsi yog lub synonym ntawm muab?

apt, inclined, nquag, tending. Cov lus hais txog muab . xaiv, preferring. pov tseg, lav, yuav, minded, predisposed, kam.

Lub ntsiab lus ntawm so yog dab tsi?

decompression, yooj yim, leisure, so, repose. Cov lus hais txog so . catnapping, dozing, lazing, pw tsaug zog, pw tsaug zog, tsaug zog, tsaug zog, pw tsaug zog. nyob ntsiag to, ntsiag to, nyob ntsiag to. kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb, kev thaj yeeb (los yog kev thaj yeeb), kev thaj yeeb.

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