Cov txheej txheem:

Puas yog SRM zoo rau engineering?
Puas yog SRM zoo rau engineering?

Video: Puas yog SRM zoo rau engineering?

Video: Puas yog SRM zoo rau engineering?
Video: Kho tau lawm sim seb puas nrov zoo 2024, Hlis ntuj nqeg

SRM Lub koom haum ntawm kev tshawb fawb thiab thev naus laus zis, npe hu ua SRM University yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntiav engineering cov tsev kawm ntawv qib siab hauv Is Nrias teb. SRM lub tsev kawm ntawv loj nyob hauv Potheri, Chennai muaj ntau heev zoo infrastructure uas tuaj yeem pab tau ntau tus tub ntxhais kawm. SRM yog thevery Safe rau cov ntxhais thiab.

Ntawm no, SRM puas zoo rau CSE?

ua li cas zoo yog SRM lub tsev kawm ntawv loj rau CSE . Nyob zoo, SRM lub tsev kawm ntawv loj tuav a zoo sau ntawv nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm qhov chaw. Tsis tas li ntawd, kev txiav tawm yog nyob ntawm tus menyuam kawm ntawv cov ntaub ntawv kawm thiab kev ua tau zoo hauv kev xam phaj.

Tsis tas li ntawd, qhov twg SRM University zoo tshaj? SRM University, Haryana

  • SRM University, Haryana.
  • University of Delhi, New Delhi.
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai.
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kampur.
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
  • VIT University, Vellore.

Hais txog qhov no, SRM puas zoo dua Kiit?

Srm ceg tseem ceeb hauv Chennai yog ranked 46 thiab Kiit nyob rau hauv Bhubaneshwar yog ranked 51 los ntawm NIRF ministry. Ob leeg yeej ze heev. Kev kawm yog me ntsis zoo dua hauv Kiit piv rau Srm thiab chav kawm hauv qis suav nrog ntau yam tshiab uas tam sim no trending hauv kev lag luam.

Lub tsev kawm ntawv SRM twg yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kev siv tshuab engineering?

Sab saum toj Mechanical Engineering Colleges hauv Is Nrias teb:

  • SASTRA University.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.
  • National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur.
  • University Institute of Engineering & Technology.
  • P. E. S. College of Engineering.
  • National Institute of Technology, Raipur.
  • Lub koom haum Icfai Science & Technology.
  • National Institute of Technology, Patna.

Pom zoo: