Leej twg yog tus ntxaib hauv Desperate Housewives?
Leej twg yog tus ntxaib hauv Desperate Housewives?

Video: Leej twg yog tus ntxaib hauv Desperate Housewives?

Video: Leej twg yog tus ntxaib hauv Desperate Housewives?
Video: Tom gives great advice to Bob and Lee 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Charlie thiab nws tus kwv ntxaib Max, uas yog tus ua yeeb yam, ua si ntxaib Neeg nqa khoom thiab Preston Scavo nyob rau hauv Desperate Housewives. Lawv kuj ua yeeb yam raws li kwv tij nyob hauv MTV series Teen Wolf.

Yog li ntawd, leej twg ua tus menyuam ntxaib hauv Tsev Txaus Siab?

Max Carver (yug Robert Maxwell Martensen Jr ;) yog ib tus neeg Asmeskas ua yeeb yam. Nws paub txog nws lub luag haujlwm ua Preston Scavo hauv ABC TV series Desperate Housewives, thiab zoo li Aiden ntawm MTV cov hluas-ntshai ua yeeb yam Teen Wolf.

Max Carver
Xyoo nquag 2008 – tam sim no
Cov txheeb ze Charlie Carver (tus kwv ntxaib)

Tsis tas li, puas yog Carver ntxaib ncaj? Carver nws tus kheej tau tawm los ua gay hauv 2016 thaum tseem tshaj tawm nws tus tij laug, Max, zoo li ncaj.

Hauv qhov no, leej twg yog tus menyuam ntxaib hauv qhov seem?

EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Carver thiab Max Carver, leej twg ua si Scavo menyuam ntxaib ntawm ABC Tus Niam Tsev Tsis Txaus Siab, tau raug pov tseg raws li niaj zaus hauv Damon Lindelof's HBO ua yeeb yam tsav Cov khoom seem , qhia los ntawm Peter Berg.

Puas yog Parker Scavo laus dua tus menyuam ntxaib?

Hauv lub caij nyoog yim, Porter muaj ib tug ntxhais nrog Julie Mayer. Preston Scavo - Ib tug ntawm Tom thiab Lynette tus tub ntxaib, tus thib ob hlob ntawm Scavo menyuam yaus Parker Scavo - Tus tub thib peb, ib xyoos yau dua tshaj nws cov neeg ua ntej, thiab feem ntau nkag siab thiab paub tab ntawm Scavo cov tub.

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